Natural Nation

What Are Your Values? How to Discover Your Values

what are your values

Personal values even impact how you speak and how well you communicate. You want to define and live your values, but you have no idea where to start. Buckle up because we’re about to go on an adventure and answer those very questions. Committing to uncovering what you value in life will always pay off. You’ll have a greater sense of purpose, a better understanding of yourself, and be able to make decisions that help you achieve what you want in life.

Changing your behaviors to more accurately reflect your values can lead to fulfillment. Answering certain questions can help you define values in your own life. Try the following exercises to find out what matters to you. Each of your answers can help inspire you to add to your list of values. When trying to understand core values, remember there is a difference between beliefs and values.

What are work values? Identify yours and learn what they mean

what are your values

Beliefs are things you believe to be true about the world. Values are the principles you view as important to live by and see as having worth. Ever found yourself at a crossroads, unsure which path feels truly right?

As you evolve over time, so do your values, reflecting your growth and changing circumstances. Don’t mistake personal values to be the same as core values. While core values represent broad principles, personal values are more individualized, reflecting our unique identities and making us adaptable. Inner Work® is the collective of internal practices you engage in.

  1. Values often come from your upbringing, culture, and social background.
  2. Are you ready to get to work identifying your personal values?
  3. This can help you feel like you’re in alignment with your values, live your values, and boost your well-being.
  4. So, how do you identify and make sense of these principles?


Reflecting on how your values interact and prioritizing them helps you build a cohesive value system. This system supports your decision-making, ensuring that your choices are not only right for you, but also fulfilling in the long run. It’s OK if your mind goes blank when you first try to write down your personal values.

“Junk Values” are exactly what they sound like—empty, fleeting desires packaged as markers of success or happiness. Junk values are like the bright red jumbo bag of Doritos in the supermarket aisle. But those Cool Ranch Doritos you just can’t put down are ultimately empty calories and leave you feeling worse off than before you had them. Are you constantly trying to better yourself but feel like you’re getting nowhere? You’re running for your life but still stuck in the same place? Or maybe you’re exactly where you always dreamed of being, yet there’s a hole inside.

what are your values

To start, take a moment to think back on your life and identify times when you felt particularly happy or fulfilled. Consider both your personal and professional experiences. If you’re interested in tuning up your values to live a more meaningful life, it’s wise to consider whether – and how – your social environment will support this transformation.

How to find your personal values: 6 tips

That’s where understanding your personal values comes into play. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to your personal values. They make life fulfilling and give you a better sense of self-awareness. Due to their significance, core values play a significant role in motivation. It’s likely there are core values that act as intrinsic motivation below the surface.

In fact, shifting our values in small ways can shift our actions. A value can be defined as “an enduring belief upon which a person acts.” Values are similar to attitudes and beliefs in that they have cognitive, emotional, and behavioral parts. But researchers suggest that values are more enduring and long-lasting than either beliefs or attitudes (Limthanakom, Lauffer, Mujtaba, & Murphy Jr, 2008). Being your true self despite judgment is the ultimate sign of embracing your authentic self. When you value authenticity, you don’t pretend to be something you’re not.

When you know how to what are your values articulate your values, you can set clear boundaries, establish healthy bonds, and develop relationships that honor your self-respect. Research shows that you might even be more attracted to people who share your values. Partners, colleagues, and family members that share yours are big green flags for long-lasting relationships.

How can personal values improve self-awareness?

Even if you’ve never thought twice about your personal values, the way you communicate on a daily basis is embedded with subconscious meaning that stems from your social influences. There are as many definitions of what the “right” decisions are (e.g. decisions that lead to a successful, fulfilling, and meaningful life) as there are people on this planet. If self-reflection is part of your core values list, you appreciate introspection. To you, deep thinking and self-awareness are desirable traits. You may respect this in others or appreciate it in yourself.

For each of these, write down three or more actions that define what it would mean for you to live these values. To reassess your values, reflect on your past experiences and their impact on your beliefs. Now, create a list of six people who are important to you and write down the values they represent. Acting in ways that go against our values doesn’t make us feel great.